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Sep 23, 2021 Company updates

Wiener Städtische baut auf digitalen Gesundheitsassistenten von XUND

Ab sofort können Kunden über die Website der Wiener Städtischen die zertifizierte Technologie von XUND nutzen und eine medizinisch fundierte Ersteinschätzung zu ihren Symptomen erhalten.
Aug 04, 2021 Company updates

XUND erhält aws-Förderung für Entwicklung von vertrauenswürdiger KI

Im Rahmen des neuen Förderprogramms für Digitalisierung – Künstliche Intelligenz konnte sich das Unternehmen unter mehr als 60 Einreichungen durchsetzen.
Jul 30, 2021 Insights

When nobody seems to find the right diagnosis

People with chronic forms of pain often wait months to years for a proper diagnosis and thus for adequate treatment. Why is that – and how could we improve it?
Jun 22, 2021 Insights

Opportunities and challenges of the new MDR

Due to the stricter requirements, the MDR is a noticeable hurdle, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises. However, it also means one thing above all: more safety for consumers.
May 19, 2021 Insights

DiGA: Health apps on prescription

By medical apps, we don’t mean regular lifestyle and fitness applications but certified medical products that have to meet very specific criteria. Will they be available on prescription soon? 
May 06, 2021 Company updates

Siebenstellige Finanzierungsrunde und neuer Investor für Wiener HealthTech Start-up

Die Pandemie hat die Entwicklung rasant beschleunigt und dem jungen Healthtech Start-up noch stärkeres Momentum verschafft.
Apr 08, 2021 Insights

How AI can succeed in assisting medicine

Artificial intelligence, machine learning and neural networks. We encounter these and other concepts on a daily basis. But what exactly lies behind the hype and what benefits and risks come with these technologies?
Mar 18, 2021 Insights

Trustworthy and reliable? Why we need an alternative to Dr. Google

The world’s most popular search engine already receives more than 1 billion search queries on health-related topics every single day, making it the number one point of contact when it comes to medical questions.
Mar 04, 2021 Insights

Symptom Checkers – how they can help us deal with the pandemic

While healthcare systems are being pushed to the limit and emergency numbers overloaded, many people are reluctant to see a doctor out of fear of contracting corona. This is where digital health assistants can help.
Feb 04, 2021 Insights

Rethinking insurance: How patient journeys can be digitized

From cost reimbursers to holistic healthcare providers – something that sounds like an unattainable benchmark for many insurers could become reality with a shift towards digitized processes.
Jan 13, 2021 Insights

How we can emerge stronger from the crisis

We have probably all waited for hours in a doctor’s waiting room and thought to ourselves: surely there must be a better way? Thanks to Corona such situations could soon belong to the past.
Sep 28, 2020 Company updates

XUND, dein persönlicher Gesundheitsassistent ist da

Als zertifiziertes Medizinprodukt hebt sich XUND von anderen digitalen Angeboten am Markt ab. Die iOS-App ist seit dem 28. September kostenlos im App Store erhältlich.