
Everything we do revolves around medicine, technology and our people.

It's our vision to improve the quality and accessibility of healthcare by bringing together medicine, technology and a human-centered mindset. But we cannot do it alone: we need leaders, doers, and innovative minds to turn our vision into reality. Together, we want to become the leading company in digital healthcare.

Everything we do revolves around medicine, technology and our people.

Join our team and make a difference.

You’re interested in digital solutions and want to support people in making informed decisions when it comes to their own health? 

Time to join XUND!

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Haven't found the job you're looking for? If you would still like to work for XUND, please send us your unsolicited application. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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More than just a workplace.

Espresso on us

Coffee connoisseurs can look forward to A+ coffee


Because everyone has a different rhythm and peak time


Our favorite colleagues provide for a relaxed atmosphere

Flat hierarchy

Short communication ways and fast decision making

Get to know the founders.


Co-Founder & Strategic Partnerships
Co-Founder & Strategic Partnerships

Lukas is a founding member of XUND and has therefore been with the company from the very beginning. He is focused on building and maintaining our strategic partnerships. When we think about tomorrow, he is already thinking about the day after tomorrow.


Co-Founder & CEO
Co-Founder & CEO

Tamás is one of the founders and CEO of XUND. He represents the company to the outside world and is responsible in day-to-day business for making the vision of the digital patient journey a reality. Before founding XUND, Tamás worked at McKinsey & Company for several years.


Co-Founder & Medical Affairs Director
Co-Founder & Medical Affairs Director

More than 25 years of experience in anesthesiology and intensive care distinguish our Co-Founder & Medical Affairs Director Zoltán. Together with the team, he is working on a digital patient journey that will enable anyone to receive personalized medical care.

Want to know more? Here are some of the most frequently asked questions for you.

Am I a good fit for the team?

Are you motivated, curious, and want to have a lasting impact in healthcare? Then your chances are good.

Being part of XUND allows you to work at the forefront of innovation. You will engage with cutting-edge technologies, and participate in exciting projects, all while making a positive contribution to society. If you enjoy the dynamics of an international company with a flat hierarchy that offers flexibility, growth opportunities, and a culture of inclusiveness, check out our wide range of job opportunities. 

Disclaimer: dog lovers preferred.

Where are you located?

XUND's headquarters is located in Vienna, in the immediate vicinity of Stephansplatz. In addition, we also have offices in Budapest and London. 

Why did you start XUND?

Our founders Dr. Zoltán Tarabó, Tamás Petrovics, and Lukas Seper were driven by their passion for entrepreneurship and healthcare. From the very beginning, their vision was to create a digital interface between patients and the healthcare system, helping to improve the quality and accessibility of healthcare. As reflected in XUND's name, the word "xund" or "g'sund" derives from the German word "gesund," meaning healthy.

Which languages are spoken at XUND?

At XUND, you’ll encounter German, English, Hungarian, and Viennese. While English is our primary language, some roles may also require knowledge of German or Hungarian. Please refer to the job descriptions for specific language requirements.

Who are the people behind XUND?

XUND was founded in 2018 by Tamás Petrovics, Lukas Seper, and Dr. Zoltán Tarabó, who have been friends for over 25 years. Since then, our team has grown to over 40 employees with offices in Vienna, Budapest, and London. You can find out more about the people behind XUND here.